Abdominal bloating and missed periode conection

      You could frequently feel bloated, and this could be the result of digestive system issues. You could feel bloated if you eat too much or the wrong things. Abdominal bloating, however, may not necessarily be brought There are several reasons why you might miss your period, and one of them could make you feel bloated. Missed periods may be a typical occurrence for some people, but it may not always be the case. Missed periods, which eventually cause bloating, might also be caused by certain medical problems, including PCOD or endometriosis. Look at the potential cause of stomach bloating and missing periods here on by digest .

Missed periods may be brought on by ovarian cysts since these growths may induce hormonal abnormalities in the body, which in turn cause missed periods. Additionally, stomach bloating results from missing your period. 

      Menopause is the condition in which a woman stops menstruating for a full year. Women who are approaching menopause may have bloating, which is frequently a side effect of menopause sensitive distress; there may be other Ovarian cancer: The ovaries produce eggs each month, and cancer in that organ might cause you to skip periods, which may ultimately cause bloating. Ectopic pregnancy: This type of pregnancy occurs when the fertilized eggs connect to the fallopian tubes rather than the uterine walls, which might be dangerous for your health. Missed periods might result from this. Pregnancy: When you are pregnant, you may experience a variety of symptoms, including the cessation of your menstrual cycle. You can frequently feel bloated as a result of this causes as well.

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