Temporary fasting is becoming a trend among people lately. But there is something that needs to be

discussed about how effective this diet is. For those of you who want to lose weight, it may be effective, but for those who want to lose fat, it's the opposite. Our body has a balance mechanism called HOMEOSTASIS where the body is always trying to maintain its balance.
         Meals that are regulated in intermittent fasting, such as 8 hours or 4 hours, if done continuously, will make the body adapt so that it becomes ineffective, and this can actually slow down the body's metabolism. Especially for those who want to build muscle, because our bodies need regular protein intake to grow. Besides that, our bodies have limitations in digesting protein, so it must be divided into several intakes, for example, 5 to 6 times. 
          The point is that intermittent fasting actually tries to limit the calories consumed by eating fewer hours, but if the calories you consume are greater than what you burn, this diet will not be effective. So the key is to control the calories we consume. It is better if you eat in small portions several times according to your needs so that your metabolism is maintained because if your metabolism slows down, you will feel weak and your body will actually be able to store more fat. Finally, your goal to lose fat will not be successful. 
          And again, it is no less important to start doing weight training because of the many benefits that you will get and feel so that you can achieve the target you want. Remember, the point is to control the number of calories you consume.

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