It's likely that you don't have as much testosterone as your father has.

According to studies, men's age-specific testosterone levels have been steadily declining for many years. According to researchers, the changes are "alarming" from an evolutionary perspective.

What causes this, then? And can the pattern be changed? We went to endocrinologist , Do, for analysis that exactly qualifies as low testosterone?

Let's start by knowing what we're talking about before we move on to the figures. An androgen, or sex hormone, is testosterone.

There is testosterone in the bodies of both sexes. According to Doctor, levels are naturally higher in men and those who were given the gender "male" at birth (AMAB). In this group, testosterone supports and promotes:

 and solutions. Male hypogonadism, often known as low-T or low testosterone, is a disorder where the testicles don't produce enough of the hormone. According to Doctor , a low testosterone level for individuals is typically regarded as anything below 250 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dl).

The standard is established a little higher by the American Urology Association at 300 ng/dl..So, do average testosterone levels today still qualify as low?

Age-related declines in testosterone levels are typical. After the age of 30, the decline is typically 1% every year.

However, ongoing studies reveal declines that are unconnected to aging. These studies contrast individuals of the same age in various years. (Take a 45-year-old male in 1987, 1995, and 2002 as an illustration.)

Although there is a downward tendency in age-specific testosterone levels, the population-wide averages have not yet reached the "low" range. But every year they get a little bit closer.

What caused the fall in testosterone levels?

As previously mentioned, this non-age-related decline in testosterone levels hasn't happened by itself. Doctor observes that "we're seeing more patients whose overall health state is declining." "Compared to earlier generations, that may be speeding the decrease of testosterone."


For a large portion of the population, the decline in testosterone levels is accompanied by an increase in bathroom weight, and this is not a coincidence.

According to Doctor , being overweight and having a high BMI place additional stress on the body and appear to disrupt testosterone production and its normal distribution.

Physical exercise

Your testosterone levels may increase if you lift weights. Exercises like high-intensity interval exercise and strength training have been shown to increase testosterone levels right away.

According to tests done on males before and after exercise, testosterone levels rise as a result of physical activity, claims Doctor . Therefore, you won't experience the bump if you don't exercise frequently.


Your body is in a position to function at its best when you eat a well-balanced, healthy diet, and this includes producing testosterone. To further emphasize the point made above, a nutritious diet typically results in a healthy weight as well.

Doctor says that "increased caloric intake can result in obesity, and then the cascading effect on your health often starts."

Numerous studies suggest that low-fat diets may cause testosterone levels to slightly decline. However, experts point out that low-fat diets aren't linked to generally low testosterone levels. (Therefore, don't interpret the findings as advocating a high-fat diet, which can lead to weight gain and other health problems.)


According to Doctor, excessive and ongoing drinking eventually reduces testosterone production. (Put it on the

However, endurance sports don't provide exactly the same increase as cardio exercises.

Let's examine several elements that may have an impact on testosterone levels.


It's likely that you've come into contact with an EDC, or endocrine-disrupting chemical, today. After all, we are surrounded by more than 800 EDCs in plastics and other things we use every day.

Ongoing studies are looking into how these "environmental poisons" affect hormones like testosterone. But there's no denying that over time, exposure to EDCs has grown significantly.

According to Doctor, "the environment around us has changed, and those elements may be a contributing cause to reductions in testosterone."

How can your testosterone levels be increased?

Focus on leading a healthy lifestyle; there is no great mystery here.

Consult your physician.

The majority of people don't actually understand their testosterone levels. It is not a routine examination or measurement of one's health. If a person exhibits symptoms like these, an evaluation is often conducted:

-Low-key sex drive

-chronic tiredness

-erection problems.

Consult your physician or other healthcare professional if you are exhibiting those symptoms to identify the underlying cause. Low testosterone may be the problem, but there are other possibilities as well.

Doctor urges, "Get examined." "It's critical to understand the underlying causes of symptoms."

"A person's testosterone levels naturally decline with age, but we're seeing that process speed up,"

"So, constantly, we're observing testosterone levels below what we'd anticipate."

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